One happy mummy-to-be :D
Let see what we got here *wink*

I bought myself 1 set of Spectra 3 breast pump kit, and it comes with a free gift containing 8 nos 150ml Autumz brand of breastmilk storage bottles. Spectra 3 is within cheaper range of breast pump available in the market. Since I cannot afford those higher range breast pump brand eg Philips Avent, Medela, Dr Brown etc, I have to make do with Spectra 3 as the review I read from others were not that bad. Anyway since I cannot test it yet, I have to rely on those reviews. I'll make my own reviews someday.
The retail price for this breast pump set is RM388, but Littlewhiz offered the cheapest price compare to other online shop so far, which was RM328, plus the free gift above! I went to a baby and mothercare shop nearby my office, and they still could not beat that price :D

At the same time, I ordered these 2 x 160ml anti-colic, BPA-free feeding bottles of MAM brand. One green, one purple in color, a neutral gender color selection *wink* Each with retail price of RM33.50, but Littlewhiz offering sales price of RM30.15 each, which is the cheapest around. Talking about the price, I never realized how costly a feeding bottle can be *sigh*
I chose MAM bottle instead of other brand because most reviews mentioned that their baby have less nipple confusion problem, they normally facing less issue during transition from mom to MAM (its also mentioned on the package :p)
Since my purchase is more than RM200, the shipping fee is free! Phew.. just goyang kaki la shopping nowadays. I don't have to sheepishly explaining to any sales girl that I am window shopping & comparing prices, and feeling guilty leaving the shop empty handed.
I have 2 more days left to my last day, and this is how I spent my working hours lately, doing online shopping hahahaha seronoknya..
Next in my list is a thermal bag for the feeding bottles, and I had also decided to try buying some cloth diapers. I know that the breast pump set and this cloth diapers required high capital cost, but certainly it can reduce our overall running cost. Momo gasped when he heard how much I need to spend for all these, but explaining about the ROI, I managed to let him see my reasoning.
Nipple confusion problem? er... ok. well babies r human too, even they get confused. smart babies, dont just take watever people feed u. act confuse before u accept. hahaha
ReplyDeleteBest kan online shopping? reduce chances of being harassed by salesgirls. best eh best eh jd mami tok. mok juak lah....
Hey Nimi, i believe you are enjoying every bit of your pregnancy, do remember that sometimes it is hard but always looking forward to the little yet one of the greatest gifts from God, will make it all worthwhile ya.
ReplyDeleteYou know you just reminded me of how i enjoyed so much during my wife's pregnancy, it was such a beautiful moment, caring for her, hearing the heart beats from the womb and always asking my wifey what she wanted to eat the most,then zoomed i went to out to buy for her.
May be Good Lord give you peace, and take care now ya
coffee girl : seronok mmg seronok, tapi first baby mmg banyak benda maok prepare. so cannot tahan see all new gadgets coming up nowadays hikhik!
ReplyDeleteeugene : honestly, i would not say every bit. at the moment, i don't like it that i moved around slower than a 70 year old lady, and had to sit down every half an hour. for a person who used to be physically strong, it's a shock to our system, but i know that when finally i get to see my baby, i won't remember any of that :D